Mexico Cave Diving 2019

A year after the previous trip we hit Tulum, Mexico again. Couldn’t stay away for long. We usually go in the South African winter (June, July) for a few reasons… One being that our dive site Komati Springs is quieter and we can shut up and go; another is that it is not busy inContinue reading “Mexico Cave Diving 2019”

Mexico Cave Diving 2018

After a very long 48-hour journey starting in South Africa with a 3-hour drive, we faced an early (ok, not too early) wakeup call on the first dive day in Tulum with no sympathy for jetlag. As those who’ve met me know, just hand Andre her coffee from around the corner; make sure it isContinue reading “Mexico Cave Diving 2018”

Komati Springs

We are truly blessed to live in this wonderful place. There are not many habitations left on this planet where the only noise you hear is the roar of lions, calling of jackal, bark of baboons and trumpet of elephants. The neighbours at home are a little too much, with their constant croaking love callsContinue reading “Komati Springs”