The Movie

Dave Not Coming Back

A feature documentary on the last dive of David Shaw, directed by Jonah Malak.

The above Facebook page will be updates regarding movie release dates. Please go like it to be informed. 

We are excited about the movie “Dave not coming back”. It tells the story of the Boesmansgat dive in 2005 that went wrong. Below is the official trailer for the movie.

Jonah Malak was Catherine Perrin of Radio Canada’s guest at Du côté de chez Catherine at ICI Première to talk about his documentary Dave Not Coming Back.
Nathalie Lasselin and Mario Cyr have seen and enjoyed the film, and are also involved in the discussion. To listen to it please click here.
Currently on the bill in Ottawa, and Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke, Drummondville, Laval, Longueuil, Three Rivers and Rimouski!

Nice evening in Ottawa at the Mayfair Theatre for the Ontario premiere of DAVE NOT COMING BACK, with filmmaker Jonah Malak and producer Audrey-Ann Dupuis-Pierre in attendance! Thank you for the warm welcome!

The film won the Audience Award in the Marquee category at the Austin Film Festival 2020! 
Thank you Austin audience! 