The Big 5 Caves

This is a short video concerning what we consider “The Big 5” in Cave Diving in our region – Southern Africa. Notice all the preparation work we must put in before each expedition. One day we will get it together and make a specific clip concerning our hard work behind the scenes. If you areContinue reading “The Big 5 Caves”

Holland and Germany visit 2020

Don was invited to speak at the Tech 2020 show in Holland and we gladly accepted the offer. Pim van der Horst accommodated us and Dennis Blom drove us to places. A very nice drive I might add – in his electric Jaguar – what a pleasure!  With Pim’s help we rented bicycles and sawContinue reading “Holland and Germany visit 2020”

Namibia Sunfish Expedition

This was a wow trip. In the past there was a whole lot of guessing going on concerning the sizes and dimensions of the underground and submerged caves in Namibia. As they are so vast and deep, ordinary humans/divers could not adequately map the terrain. Enter Sunfish,  “a user friendly and person-portable Autonomous Underwater VehicleContinue reading “Namibia Sunfish Expedition”