Behind the Scenes

I thought I would show what happens at our gas station on an average weekend. This is in fast motion otherwise it would become very boring for the watcher. It spanned 3 hard working days. Some gas fills were not captured as I did not set up the camera for all the small quick fills.Continue reading “Behind the Scenes”

The Big 5 Caves

This is a short video concerning what we consider “The Big 5” in Cave Diving in our region – Southern Africa. Notice all the preparation work we must put in before each expedition. One day we will get it together and make a specific clip concerning our hard work behind the scenes. If you areContinue reading “The Big 5 Caves”

Leopard Shenanigans

On 6 August 2021, I was annoyed that a couple of divers were hooting in the campsite. This was a no-noise site, tranquil, quiet, and city dwellers love coming here for this peace. I walked over, was astonished to see a leopard in the tree, and the divers trapped in their vehicle. The leopard jumpedContinue reading “Leopard Shenanigans”

Holland and Germany visit 2020

Don was invited to speak at the Tech 2020 show in Holland and we gladly accepted the offer. Pim van der Horst accommodated us and Dennis Blom drove us to places. A very nice drive I might add – in his electric Jaguar – what a pleasure!  With Pim’s help we rented bicycles and sawContinue reading “Holland and Germany visit 2020”

Mexico Cave Diving 2019

A year after the previous trip we hit Tulum, Mexico again. Couldn’t stay away for long. We usually go in the South African winter (June, July) for a few reasons… One being that our dive site Komati Springs is quieter and we can shut up and go; another is that it is not busy inContinue reading “Mexico Cave Diving 2019”

Komati Springs Elephant Escapades

Exiting our site sometimes has its adventures. Besides forging rivers after the rains, yesterday we were challenged by Master Elephant. Either he lost his herd, or was at the kicking out age (called musth state)*. He was a bit stressed and as we passed him, he had to challenge us just in case we wereContinue reading “Komati Springs Elephant Escapades”

Komati Springs

We are truly blessed to live in this wonderful place. There are not many habitations left on this planet where the only noise you hear is the roar of lions, calling of jackal, bark of baboons and trumpet of elephants. The neighbours at home are a little too much, with their constant croaking love callsContinue reading “Komati Springs”