The Big 5 Caves

This is a short video concerning what we consider “The Big 5” in Cave Diving in our region – Southern Africa.

Komati Springs

Notice all the preparation work we must put in before each expedition. One day we will get it together and make a specific clip concerning our hard work behind the scenes.

If you are thinking of joining one of our expeditions, you need to be SRT Rope qualified for some of these sites.  We also like you to be In Water Recompression trained, because if the paw-paw hits, getting out of the sites and to the nearest chamber is not an option. As they are all caves, a Cave and Decompression qualification is also on the list. You can speak to me about prerequisites – email

The biggest plus on an expedition is a team player and a good sense of humour. No egos allowed on site.

The Big 5 caves are:

  • Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe
  • Komati Springs, South Africa
  • Boesmansgat, South Africa
  • Harasib, Namibia
  • Dragon’s Breath, Namibia

Each one needs its own expedition as there are lots of pre-rigging, hauling in dive gear, diving, hauling out said dive gear and then taking the rigging out. One needs to visit each site for at least a week or longer.

There is a strong possibility of post-expedition blues once you get home. We found the best way to alleviate this is to begin organising the next trip!

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