Mexico Cave Diving 2019

A year after the previous trip we hit Tulum, Mexico again. Couldn’t stay away for long. We usually go in the South African winter (June, July) for a few reasons… One being that our dive site Komati Springs is quieter and we can shut up and go; another is that it is not busy in Mexico as we don’t like crowds.

Manni brought his daughter Jessica along and she started her Cavern course there. What a privilege. So our daily excursions were grown up’s 😉 did a full penetration dive, then Don would take Jessica on her cavern portion and do the drills and skills while Manni hovered close by like an anxious parent. Ok, not true – he was there to record all her baby steps – so he says…

On this trip there were no in-between breaks, so the ears started dictating breaks. We have observed the fact previously that non-professionals don’t last as long in the waters as professionals. And by professionals I mean dive instructors who do this on a full time basis. Just like muscles, ears also have to be trained to last the journey.

It is advisable to have a 2 day break between diving, but people are usually committed to work and only have limited time to travel, dive and get back. Don and I extended this trip again and did some sight-seeing. This time going South from Tulum. I will do a write-up of that portion separately.

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