Komati Springs Elephant Escapades

Exiting our site sometimes has its adventures. Besides forging rivers after the rains, yesterday we were challenged by Master Elephant. Either he lost his herd, or was at the kicking out age (called musth state)*. He was a bit stressed and as we passed him, he had to challenge us just in case we were the bad guys. I think it was a matter of “attack before being attacked” in this case… 

*The below is an extract from BBC Earth. It is an interesting read:

There was a mistaken belief that young males get kicked out of their families. But this came from observations of males that had left their own family and joined another, “where they are not as welcome as they would be with their own family,” Poole explains. Matriarchs and coalitions of females were seen chasing young males, and people thought the males were being shunned by their own families.

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