Komati Springs

We are truly blessed to live in this wonderful place. There are not many habitations left on this planet where the only noise you hear is the roar of lions, calling of jackal, bark of baboons and trumpet of elephants. The neighbours at home are a little too much, with their constant croaking love calls (toads) and tweeting (birds). Still, the toads do a great job annihilating the mosquitos.

Getting to our property is fraught with traffic jams. Many a time there are delays because the giraffe did not want to get off the road, or the lions were sunbathing in front of our gates.

Our space has a myriad of functions with the main one being a scuba dive site. We personally focus on technical dive training – like cave, rebreathers, deco diving and deep mixed gasses like trimix. The site is open for recreational divers as well. There is an open hole with training grids, and the cave divers have a three-dimensional cave system to play and practice in. You can read more about the diving on the Komati Springs website.

Another function here is what we call rope work which includes abseiling off a cliff of about 10 meters (33 feet) and down a mine shaft where you get to water at 20 meters (66 feet). The shaft has been rigged to be able to simulate other sites in Southern Africa that we visit for diving purposes. Practice makes perfect.

There is game on site, like wildebeest, impala, kudu, eland, waterbuck, duikertjies, warthog, civets, servals, and our four horses who think they are wildebeest. They are lucky beasts indeed as they can do what they like when they like. The predators and elephants surround us but are on the outside of the fence, so all is safe inside to wander around on foot.

As we have grasslands, forests, abundant water and mountains, the birdlife is incredible. Apparently over 250 species. Walks on the property is heaven. We often take a beer or some wine, walk to a nice spot, and watch animals and the sunset.

The local entertainment is the troop of vervet monkeys who come along every so often to drink from the small stream in front of our house. The monkey kiddies are just like human kiddies – they play on every available object; the favourite one being our vehicle. This is where tag and wrestling matches take place.

We like to share the site so if you are in the area, give us a shout. We do have security, so booking is important.

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